"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Wisdom RSS

Who are YOU?

Make an assessment of who you really are based on your experience; what makes you happy, your values, your beliefs, what have deep meaning for you, your goals and aspirations. Think back at your childhood. What have you accomplished? What is your mission? Do you know how to overcome your stress? What do you expect from yourself? Hear your story; you exist! How would you like to be remembered? Your Life journey is not yet complete until you make a self-discovery.   Best Wishes

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Create a Positive Change

Change is part of life. It would be best if you embraced it.The change will happen whether you like it or not."If you don't embrace change, change will change you." Any change is better than staying stuck in a situation where you do not belong, are not valued or respected for who you are, and live a life you do not want or enjoy. It needs great courage and trust in life to let go of the known to reach for what you know is the right thing to do. Bear with the transition, the pain, the fear, the uncertainty. Then, work through all your emotions, if needed, with professional help. Deep down, we will know what to do because...

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Be Present in this Life

Be Present at this moment.  For this is it. Stay with it for just a bit. Enjoy it. You can enjoy any moment and every moment, and you will likely forget to be present again. That's okay. Enjoy the moment now, and for however long it lasts before you get lost in Life again. Try to remember that right here, right now, for no reason whatsoever, you allowed yourself to live and that allowed you to experience joy. No matter where you are, no matter how bland, exciting, or horrible it may seem, know that you can come back anytime you want. You can focus on your heart beating steadily in your chest, the beautiful, unique things you see in front of...

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Be aware that the most valuable things are your time and energy, as both are limited. When you realize this, the most important thing you can do for yourself and everyone around you is to protect your energy more than anything else. This can be very challenging at first. However, it will also be an essential thing to have peace. I know your instinct is to do everything to gain appreciation, but that impulse can steal your time, energy, and mental and physical health. Stop having conversations with people who don't want to change. Stop showing up for people who have no interest in your presence. Not everyone will be ready to be with you when you start fighting for...

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Stress management

Make time for yourself and do something that makes you feel good about yourself. It could be anything from taking a walk, reading a book, or watching movies. It would help if you made time for these activities when needed as often as possible. Learn something every day: many things to learn about - from languages to science to how to cook. Learning new things keeps your mind sharp and helps you grow. Get up early; most people like to stay in bed all morning; however if you can get up and exercise, you will release dopamine. Read before going to bed.

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