"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Despair RSS

“Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth.” — Epicurus.

This passage discusses the concept of "Fck You Money" and the misconception that having abundant wealth and power will guarantee one's freedom and independence. The author mentions that the idea of "Fck You Money" is elusive, as the more we strive for it, the further it seems to be from our grasp. Instead, the author suggests that true wealth and freedom come from self-sufficiency, having fewer needs, and possessing resilient skills that allow us to thrive in any situation. The author cites David "DHH" Heinemeier Hansson's observation that "F*ck You Money" can be a state of mind founded on personal confidence that allows one to stand their ground even if one loses material possessions. The author also references Emerson's essay...

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“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” — Nicholas Nassim Taleb

What should people do when they realize their company is engaging in unethical practices? Can they collect their paycheck and distance themselves from the wrongdoing? According to Budd Schulberg, this is impossible. As an example of doing the right thing, we can look to a young man who worked at Theranos. After uncovering serious issues at the healthcare startup, he reported them to the authorities despite facing threats and harassment from his former employer. He and his family even considered selling their home to cover legal costs. Marcus Aurelius once said, "Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn't matter." It's important to remember that doing the right thing can be difficult and costly, but it's still the...

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“There is good in everything, if only we look for it.” — Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder, the renowned author of the Little House series, demonstrated a fearless attitude towards some of the harshest and inhospitable conditions on earth, such as the unforgiving soil, Indian territories, Kansas prairies, and the humid backwoods of Florida. She did not let these challenges dampen her spirit or make her cynical because she viewed them as adventures. She saw every place as an opportunity to experience something new and approach each obstacle with a positive and persevering pioneer spirit. This does not imply that she was delusional or viewed the world through rose-colored glasses. Instead, she chose to perceive situations for what they could be with hard work and a positive outlook. Conversely, some people may choose to...

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A toxic relationship will shorten your Life

Indeed, the quality of your Life depends on the quality of your relationship. Therefore, the people with the best connections live longer than those who struggle in their relationships. Sadly, the people having turmoil in their relationships die earlier. It is because our body always sends signals and must listen to our feelings. So why are we holding on to this relationship? There are many reasons, and I am not here to tell you how to manage your Life, however, be aware and take the necessary steps to improve the quality of your relationship. Sometimes frequency does not match, so let's stop pretending around them; it takes much energy to be someone else to please others.We may love the wrong...

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What is fear telling you?

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.Fear is essential because it protects us from danger. However, most of our fear is not accurate.Fear is one of the most substantial layers of illusion. How can we overcome fear? Using just thinking to confront fears is not an authentic experience. Because just thinking is just a simulation of Life.Most plans are perfect in our minds, but when we try to achieve them, they don't endure the test of reality. Similarly, when we use thinking to overcome fear. Fear pushes you to confuse what you imagine with what is real. Fear spreads everywhere. You can feel the fear, but don't allow being imprisoned by fear. As...

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