"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Friendship RSS

“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” — Nicholas Nassim Taleb

What should people do when they realize their company is engaging in unethical practices? Can they collect their paycheck and distance themselves from the wrongdoing? According to Budd Schulberg, this is impossible. As an example of doing the right thing, we can look to a young man who worked at Theranos. After uncovering serious issues at the healthcare startup, he reported them to the authorities despite facing threats and harassment from his former employer. He and his family even considered selling their home to cover legal costs. Marcus Aurelius once said, "Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn't matter." It's important to remember that doing the right thing can be difficult and costly, but it's still the...

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Why Setting Life Goals Is Important As cliched as it sounds, we only have one chance at this life, and the sooner we realize that, the better. Whether you’re just beginning your journey into adulthood or contemplating what the future holds for you at this very moment, setting life goals is one of the best things you can do to make yourself happy. Unfortunately, if there’s one universal truth about life, it’s not constant. Each day is a new adventure with new experiences around every corner - whether good or bad, they all affect who we are as people. The same goes for our goals in life. As a result, we need clarification about what to do next at any...

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https://youtu.be/JjHdEMj25wk Hello! It is not too late to make this life EVERYTHING you’ve always wanted it to be. Are you ready to release the past and move to a new and better beginning? Welcome the change and be open to new beginnings. NOW It’s your time. You have no idea how good life will get for you… Focus on yourself and not the world. Fight the battles inside you first, then watch the world change around you. Listening to Jim Rohn & Napoleon Hill's advice, you are setting your mind to attract success into your life. Here I reveal the most crucial quote: "Unwavering courage." "The courage to solve problems you COULDN'T solve before.'' "The courage to try having a...

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A toxic relationship will shorten your Life

Indeed, the quality of your Life depends on the quality of your relationship. Therefore, the people with the best connections live longer than those who struggle in their relationships. Sadly, the people having turmoil in their relationships die earlier. It is because our body always sends signals and must listen to our feelings. So why are we holding on to this relationship? There are many reasons, and I am not here to tell you how to manage your Life, however, be aware and take the necessary steps to improve the quality of your relationship. Sometimes frequency does not match, so let's stop pretending around them; it takes much energy to be someone else to please others.We may love the wrong...

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"After all, wealth is just a life experience"

From Steve Jobs "I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success.However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.  At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I took so much pride in have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – "Life." Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when...

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