"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Meditation RSS

“You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits.” — Bhagavad Gita

No other book or scripture influenced Gandhi, shaped his character, and transformed his life as profoundly and permanently as the Bhagavad Gita. This quote from the Bhagavad Gita is a reminder to focus on the process of doing something rather than worrying about the outcome. You control the action, but the outcome is not always in your hands. For example, imagine you are studying for an important exam. You can only control the amount of effort and time you put into studying, but you cannot control the grade you receive. If you focus on the process of learning to the best of your ability and do not worry too much about the outcome, you will be less stressed and more...

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“The best revenge is not to be like that.” — Marcus Aurelius.

A popular saying about revenge advises one to dig two graves before embarking on a journey of revenge due to its high cost and the toll it can take on the avenger. However, Marcus Aurelius had a more straightforward and accurate approach. He believed letting go and leaving the wrongdoer to their deeds is better. He practiced what he preached, as evidenced by his response to Avoids Cassius's rebellion, one of his most trusted generals who declared himself emperor. Marcus used this event to teach the Roman people and the Roman Senate how to handle civil strife with compassion and forgiveness instead of seeking vengeance. When Cassius was assassinated, Marcus supposedly wept instead of rejoicing, showing that his approach differed...

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Give Thanks

In all things, give thanks. In the good days of laughter and joy, give thanks. In the bad days of struggle and strife, give thanks. In the brightest moments and the darkest hours, give thanks. In the flow of blessings and apparent lack of goodness, give thanks. In the face of fortune and misfortune, give thanks. In all things, give thanks. Lessons and blessings are found in all situations. ''In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.'' - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Who are the people that have helped you be where you are today? “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you...

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"Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind"

"Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind" - Samuel Ullman Study and learn with constant curiosity and passion about the world. As we get older, our thoughts get more profound, and wisdom grows. Meditation is like anti-aging cream; it makes your spirit young. By reflecting on ourselves, we reconcile and forgive ourselves, accept others and have a broader perspective. If you cleanse your mind, your whole body's energy and blood circulate well. Our minds and hearts do not age.  Physical aging of the body is a natural process; it can be slowed but not prevented. - Healthy diet. - Exercise regularly. - Sleep well. - Practice meditation or mindfulness, and engage in mentally stimulating...

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"After all, wealth is just a life experience"

From Steve Jobs "I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is the epitome of success.However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to.  At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I took so much pride in have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death. Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it is lost – "Life." Whichever stage in life we are at right now, with time, we will face the day when...

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