"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

“The best revenge is not to be like that.” — Marcus Aurelius.

A popular saying about revenge advises one to dig two graves before embarking on a journey of revenge due to its high cost and the toll it can take on the avenger. However, Marcus Aurelius had a more straightforward and accurate approach. He believed letting go and leaving the wrongdoer to their deeds is better. He practiced what he preached, as evidenced by his response to Avoids Cassius's rebellion, one of his most trusted generals who declared himself emperor. Marcus used this event to teach the Roman people and the Roman Senate how to handle civil strife with compassion and forgiveness instead of seeking vengeance. When Cassius was assassinated, Marcus supposedly wept instead of rejoicing, showing that his approach differed from the common notion of "Living well being the best revenge." The idea is not to show up the wrongdoer or rub your success in their face, but to avoid becoming like them and rewarding yourself by being the opposite of them.

Best of luck, 

Annie@calendarmind 😘

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