"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Self-confidence RSS

Helping your kids succeed: how to help them build high self-esteem?

https://youtu.be/   We are not perfect parents. However, we are the creator of the child, and we must lead by example. BETTER PARENTS: Specific TECHNIQUE ON HOW TO Build Confidence  and Self-esteem into your children "LOVE is spell TIME with children." Spend time alone with them to understand them. Let them know that they are important. Talk about how they feel and listen to them. “The number 1 problem in troubled teens is that nobody takes the time to listen to them and takes them seriously.” Give them unconditional love (I love you) Accepting their feelings (and for who they TRULY are) “Teddy bear talk” each family has his time to talk with no interruptions (the one who has the...

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https://youtu.be/JjHdEMj25wk Hello! It is not too late to make this life EVERYTHING you’ve always wanted it to be. Are you ready to release the past and move to a new and better beginning? Welcome the change and be open to new beginnings. NOW It’s your time. You have no idea how good life will get for you… Focus on yourself and not the world. Fight the battles inside you first, then watch the world change around you. Listening to Jim Rohn & Napoleon Hill's advice, you are setting your mind to attract success into your life. Here I reveal the most crucial quote: "Unwavering courage." "The courage to solve problems you COULDN'T solve before.'' "The courage to try having a...

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Give Thanks

In all things, give thanks. In the good days of laughter and joy, give thanks. In the bad days of struggle and strife, give thanks. In the brightest moments and the darkest hours, give thanks. In the flow of blessings and apparent lack of goodness, give thanks. In the face of fortune and misfortune, give thanks. In all things, give thanks. Lessons and blessings are found in all situations. ''In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.'' - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Who are the people that have helped you be where you are today? “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you...

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Run Your Race

It does not matter about the other guys, run your race, and don’t waste your energy looking back behind you. You can’t control the other guys, and it is not about the other guy; it is about how you can run that race as hard as you can. Give EVERYTHING you got all the time for yourself. You only have control over yourself. You get to be the master of your fate. Then take care of your territory only. You can live an entirely different experience depending on how you direct your thoughts. I suggest different approaches to help you get stronger. When you know that you did your best, be Okay with the outcome regardless of what it is....

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A toxic relationship will shorten your Life

Indeed, the quality of your Life depends on the quality of your relationship. Therefore, the people with the best connections live longer than those who struggle in their relationships. Sadly, the people having turmoil in their relationships die earlier. It is because our body always sends signals and must listen to our feelings. So why are we holding on to this relationship? There are many reasons, and I am not here to tell you how to manage your Life, however, be aware and take the necessary steps to improve the quality of your relationship. Sometimes frequency does not match, so let's stop pretending around them; it takes much energy to be someone else to please others.We may love the wrong...

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