"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

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“Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth.” — Epicurus.

This passage discusses the concept of "Fck You Money" and the misconception that having abundant wealth and power will guarantee one's freedom and independence. The author mentions that the idea of "Fck You Money" is elusive, as the more we strive for it, the further it seems to be from our grasp. Instead, the author suggests that true wealth and freedom come from self-sufficiency, having fewer needs, and possessing resilient skills that allow us to thrive in any situation. The author cites David "DHH" Heinemeier Hansson's observation that "F*ck You Money" can be a state of mind founded on personal confidence that allows one to stand their ground even if one loses material possessions. The author also references Emerson's essay...

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“You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits.” — Bhagavad Gita

No other book or scripture influenced Gandhi, shaped his character, and transformed his life as profoundly and permanently as the Bhagavad Gita. This quote from the Bhagavad Gita is a reminder to focus on the process of doing something rather than worrying about the outcome. You control the action, but the outcome is not always in your hands. For example, imagine you are studying for an important exam. You can only control the amount of effort and time you put into studying, but you cannot control the grade you receive. If you focus on the process of learning to the best of your ability and do not worry too much about the outcome, you will be less stressed and more...

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“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” — Marcus Aurelius.

In both ancient Rome and modern America, people have been tempted to talk rather than take action. The allure of philosophizing instead of living by those philosophies is a common trap. In today's society obsessed with content, outrage, and drama, it's even easier to become lost in the echo chamber of hypothetical debates about what's "better." We can spend endless hours discussing right and wrong and how to encourage others to improve. We can even argue about the meaning of certain statements. However, this is all a distraction. If you want to make the world a better place, there's a lot you can do. But only one thing will truly make an impact: step away from the argument, dig yourself...

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“This is not your responsibility, but it is your problem.” — Cheryl Strayed.

While it may not be your duty to resolve every issue, sometimes circumstances beyond your control can make it your problem to solve. For instance, if a car breaks down in front of you and blocks the road, it's not your obligation to fill up the driver's gas tank, but it is your problem to deal with the obstruction. Similarly, if war breaks out and you're drafted, you didn't create the conflict, but it is now your problem to fight. These situations can happen unexpectedly and be frustrating and unfair, but they are still yours to confront. You can choose to complain or seek blame, but ultimately, how you respond defines you. Cheryl Strayed wisely noted that life may present...

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“Every man I meet is my master in some point, and in that I learn of him.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Ralph Waldo Emerson's wisdom One can observe that everyone has a unique set of strengths and abilities that surpass one's own. This is an undeniable fact. For instance, someone may excel at maintaining eye contact, while another person may have quantum physics or geopolitics expertise. Some people may be more knowledgeable in gift-giving, name-recalling, weightlifting, anger management, self-confidence, or building friendships. No individual can claim to be the best at all these things, and no one cannot improve. Therefore, acknowledging this reality requires humility. Furthermore, one should approach every encounter with an open mind and enthusiasm, viewing each experience as an opportunity to learn from others. This perspective can facilitate growth and skill development at a rapid pace. Best of...

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