"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — HEARTBREAK RSS

“This is not your responsibility, but it is your problem.” — Cheryl Strayed.

While it may not be your duty to resolve every issue, sometimes circumstances beyond your control can make it your problem to solve. For instance, if a car breaks down in front of you and blocks the road, it's not your obligation to fill up the driver's gas tank, but it is your problem to deal with the obstruction. Similarly, if war breaks out and you're drafted, you didn't create the conflict, but it is now your problem to fight. These situations can happen unexpectedly and be frustrating and unfair, but they are still yours to confront. You can choose to complain or seek blame, but ultimately, how you respond defines you. Cheryl Strayed wisely noted that life may present...

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Reignite his Heart and Mind

    Does it seem like everything you do to get your man back ends up blowing up in your face? Like the harder you try, the more you push him away? Why is it so easy for him to walk away from all you had? Why can't he see how much you love him and how happy you will be together if he gives things another chance? And the more you reach out for him, the more you push him away. Any logical arguments, convincing or even pleading, only solidify his resolve to walk away. But here’s something that DOES work, and it will work with just about any guy: Emotional Triggers. Triggering certain feelings and deep emotions will...

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