"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Emotion RSS

Reignite his Heart and Mind

    Does it seem like everything you do to get your man back ends up blowing up in your face? Like the harder you try, the more you push him away? Why is it so easy for him to walk away from all you had? Why can't he see how much you love him and how happy you will be together if he gives things another chance? And the more you reach out for him, the more you push him away. Any logical arguments, convincing or even pleading, only solidify his resolve to walk away. But here’s something that DOES work, and it will work with just about any guy: Emotional Triggers. Triggering certain feelings and deep emotions will...

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 How To Achieve Your Most Important Goals Step 1: Reasons Why you are Not Successful Now You don’t know what you want You don’t have a clear purpose, and you are winging it You have a negative mindset Your fear of failure prevents you from taking action You are scared of taking calculated risks You are letting your past dictate your present and future You lack discipline in your life Step 2: How to Identify What you Really Want Step #1: It is pointless to write a list of goals Step #2: Ask yourself, “what does success mean to you?” Step #3: Write down your core beliefs and values Step #4: Use the key question technique Step #5: Identity what...

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Acres of Diamonds | What every man can learn from one of the most remarkable men, Abraham Lincoln.

Acres of Diamonds (Version 2) by Russell Conwell. Read in English by Phil Chenevert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSYTH_bCAcA What is greatness? Who are the great man and women? One of the most requested motivational lectures of all time.  Twenty minutes video is only part of the book; some features are selected to carry the essential values.  Best quotes: “I say that you ought to get rich, and you must get rich ... The men who get rich may be the most honest men you find in the community. Let me say here clearly ... ninety-eight out of one hundred of the rich men of America are honest. That is why they are rich. That is why they are trusted with money. That is...

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Run Your Race

It does not matter about the other guys, run your race, and don’t waste your energy looking back behind you. You can’t control the other guys, and it is not about the other guy; it is about how you can run that race as hard as you can. Give EVERYTHING you got all the time for yourself. You only have control over yourself. You get to be the master of your fate. Then take care of your territory only. You can live an entirely different experience depending on how you direct your thoughts. I suggest different approaches to help you get stronger. When you know that you did your best, be Okay with the outcome regardless of what it is....

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What is fear telling you?

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.Fear is essential because it protects us from danger. However, most of our fear is not accurate.Fear is one of the most substantial layers of illusion. How can we overcome fear? Using just thinking to confront fears is not an authentic experience. Because just thinking is just a simulation of Life.Most plans are perfect in our minds, but when we try to achieve them, they don't endure the test of reality. Similarly, when we use thinking to overcome fear. Fear pushes you to confuse what you imagine with what is real. Fear spreads everywhere. You can feel the fear, but don't allow being imprisoned by fear. As...

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