If a situation you have to deal with does turn out to be bad, it is best not to let fear of the facts lead to inaction. That's a trap to avoid, allowing negative emotions to lead to a negative conclusion. Don't become attached to the outcome if it fails; don't let your self-esteem go with it. It is also important to remember that it also works (or does not work) for others. It is part of the process. However, you can pass through it.
Plus, don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier; in other words, your optimism can be contagious, leading to believing that you can do it. So don't take counsel from your fears or naysayers.
Instead, when a difficult situation challenges you, reframe your thoughts.
Your interpretation of the information coming through your senses may be biased. There are so many other interpretations which allow you to look at things in a fresher new way. Look at the big picture.
Each time you may hear your inner voice judging you or telling you can't, or you are not good enough to tackle this challenge, redirect your attention towards a positive attitude gracefully.
You may gradually change your standpoint.
Believe that despite the struggles and difficulties, there is a higher order of goodness at work in your life.
The brain reacts to what you believe and not the actual reality.
Your present perception is not the only one; it is among many other possible ones. Look at the situation without judging and approach it from many different angles. Put aside any negative thoughts for a while. Detach and use neutral language.
It will look better in the morning.
Finally, take a deep breath.
Best Wishes
It is not as bad as you think
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