How To Achieve Your Most Important Goals Step 1: Reasons Why you are Not Successful Now You don’t know what you want You don’t have a clear purpose, and you are winging it You have a negative mindset Your fear of failure prevents you from taking action You are scared of taking calculated risks You are letting your past dictate your present and future You lack discipline in your life Step 2: How to Identify What you Really Want Step #1: It is pointless to write a list of goals Step #2: Ask yourself, “what does success mean to you?” Step #3: Write down your core beliefs and values Step #4: Use the key question technique Step #5: Identity what...
Quotes from Oprah Winfrey "Set boundaries for yourself." "Take charge of your own destiny." "Everything begins with thoughts." "Your true passion should feel like breathing." "Live out the truest expression of ourselves." "No, I will not let you treat me this way! That's what success is." "Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life." "There is a power greater than myself that rules my life." "Allow yourself to connect yourself to the source." "Your legacy is every life you touch." "When people show you who they are the first time, believe them." "Live your life from the truth, and you will survive EVERYTHING." "THE UNIVERSE IS ABUNDANT." "KEEP A GRATEFUL JOURNAL." GRATEFUL Journal: Few minutes a Day to... HERE THE LINK TO PURCHASE THE GUIDE If you’re serious about achieving your goals, you need detailed action plans. Action plans are a series of steps designed to achieve a goal. An action plan can be created for any purpose and is widely used in business management, project management, and marketing. Creating an action plan helps you break down your goal into manageable steps and track your progress. Using an action plan doesn’t just help you achieve your goals faster but also gives you peace of mind that you’ve got everything covered so that nothing falls through the gaps. Why you need a Goal Plan An action plan is a tool to break down large or complex tasks...
The benefits of yoga extend well beyond being able to tell people you do yoga regularly smugly. In fact, as a form of exercise, it's hard to beat for accessibility or ease – you need little to no equipment, and it can be done anywhere you have enough room to move in. That little space by the side of your bed? Yes, yoga can happen there! Your living room floor? 100%. Wherever you can fit your yoga mat, you're good to go. Plus, no matter what Instagram culture tells us – rooted in India’s spiritual practices, yoga is less about doing headstands and more about building mental and physical strength and cementing healthy habits for life. So here are some...