The story tells of an alcoholic father with two sons, one who follows his father's path and becomes an alcoholic, and the other who becomes a successful and sober businessman. When asked why they are the way they are, both answer: "Because my father was an alcoholic." This illustrates that our responses to events are subjective choices despite the objective reality of what happens to us. The Stoics, including Epictetus, believe that we cannot control what happens to us, but we have control over our thoughts and reactions. Therefore, our reactions to the strokes of fortune, not our good or bad luck, define us in life. Remembering this and not allowing anyone to convince us otherwise is essential. Best of...
Email marketing is a crucial aspect of digital marketing and has been so for many years. This is because it is an effective way to reach out to a wider audience, establish trust and credibility, and ultimately boost sales and conversions. Whether you are looking to earn an income online or expand your client base, incorporating email marketing into your strategy is essential. The first step in launching your email marketing campaign is to build a robust email list. This can be achieved through various methods such as website opt-ins, social media followers, or by collaborating with affiliates who have their email lists. It is crucial to note that for email marketing to be effective, you must have the recipient's...
Create An Empowering Routine To Achieve Your Goals To achieve your goals, you must establish habits supporting your intentions. But how do you go about doing that? Creating a routine is the first step. The difficulty lies in making that routine something you will follow and stick to for the long term. Most people will start strong and begin to fizzle out a week later when their initial enthusiasm has subsided. The trick is finding a routine that works for you, so you’re motivated to keep going and growing. That’s why we compiled these proven tips on creating an empowering way to help you achieve your goals. Read your WHY Statement and your Goal Each Day You can’t expect to... HERE THE LINK TO PURCHASE THE GUIDE If you’re serious about achieving your goals, you need detailed action plans. Action plans are a series of steps designed to achieve a goal. An action plan can be created for any purpose and is widely used in business management, project management, and marketing. Creating an action plan helps you break down your goal into manageable steps and track your progress. Using an action plan doesn’t just help you achieve your goals faster but also gives you peace of mind that you’ve got everything covered so that nothing falls through the gaps. Why you need a Goal Plan An action plan is a tool to break down large or complex tasks...
Acres of Diamonds (Version 2) by Russell Conwell. Read in English by Phil Chenevert. What is greatness? Who are the great man and women? One of the most requested motivational lectures of all time. Twenty minutes video is only part of the book; some features are selected to carry the essential values. Best quotes: “I say that you ought to get rich, and you must get rich ... The men who get rich may be the most honest men you find in the community. Let me say here clearly ... ninety-eight out of one hundred of the rich men of America are honest. That is why they are rich. That is why they are trusted with money. That is...