"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

How to Create Your Best Life Now ! — Change RSS

How can I develop a strong self-esteem?

Self-esteem is a positive or negative orientation toward oneself.Self-esteem is developed through your life. It is essential to build your personality. However, you can also lose or reduce it if you jeopardize your way of living. Most people base their self-esteem on skill, knowledge, status, wealth or privilege, but these are not fundamental conditions for developing strong self-esteem. Unconditional love and deep self-respect are the essential ingredients for positive self-esteem. To create a good foundation of self-esteem, define what is important to you: -What do you want to achieve?-Are you satisfied with your progress?-What is your main issue?-What would jeopardize your self-esteem?Your self-esteem is genuine; it is how you feel and thinks about yourself, your values, and your beliefs. Therefore,...

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Create a Positive Change

Change is part of life. It would be best if you embraced it.The change will happen whether you like it or not."If you don't embrace change, change will change you." Any change is better than staying stuck in a situation where you do not belong, are not valued or respected for who you are, and live a life you do not want or enjoy. It needs great courage and trust in life to let go of the known to reach for what you know is the right thing to do. Bear with the transition, the pain, the fear, the uncertainty. Then, work through all your emotions, if needed, with professional help. Deep down, we will know what to do because...

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