"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown


How To Identify What You Want

You will never create the life you desire if you don’t know what you really want. Unfortunately, most people drift along and don’t know what they want. This is because thinking about the things you want to achieve in your life takes time and effort. Many believe this is too difficult for them and prefer to let life dictate their destiny.

It is easier to identify what you want using the proper techniques. In this article, we will show you how you can come up with a list of ideas to improve your life so that you can set goals around the things that are the most important to you.

It would be best if you asked Yourself Important Questions.

The secret to identifying what you want in your life is to ask yourself important questions. When you do this, your conscious and subconscious minds will start working for you to provide you with the answers.

Asking yourself the right questions is easier than you may think. You need to use common sense to get the answers that you need. The questions that you need to ask yourself will be open-ended and not closed. This way, you will generate different solutions to your questions and get your conscious and subconscious minds working hard for you.

What Areas of your Life do you want to Improve?

Think about the different areas of your life that you want to improve. Here are some example life areas that you might need to make better:

  • Your career or your business
  • Your money and your finances
  • Your health and overall wellbeing
  • Your contribution to others
  • The skills that you have

Only you will know what areas of your life you are currently dissatisfied with. Many people would like to be happier with their job and how their business is going. They also want to have more money for financial security. Many people want to improve their health and lose some weight, for example.

Use the Key Question Technique

Grab some sheets of paper, a notebook, and a pen and find a place where you will not be disturbed. Then, for each area you want to improve, use a new sheet of paper and write the size of your life you want to change at the top of the page.

Now it is time to consider the questions you need to ask yourself for each life area. For example, if you want to improve your finances, then you could ask yourself questions like:

  • What can I do to make more money?
  • How can I take control of my finances?
  • How can I make my money work harder for me?

Ask your questions passionately so that your conscious and subconscious minds take you seriously and will start to provide answers. Refrain from judging any of the solutions you receive and write everything down. You may receive answers hours or even days after completing this exercise. This is your subconscious mind working for you.

How do you feel about the Answers?

The last step is to go through your answers or ideas and imagine that you have already achieved them. How does this make you feel? Again, make an effort to conjure up strong emotions here. Those ideas that invoke the strongest feelings are the ones you want to set goals around.

Best wishes

CalendarMind Team

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