"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

“Character is fate.” — Heraclitus

Heraclitus Wisdom

Many employers evaluate an applicant’s education and work experience during the hiring process since past accomplishments may predict future achievements. However, is past success always an accurate indicator? Luck has been known to play a significant role in some people's success, such as those who gained admission to prestigious schools due to their parents' influence. Additionally, young individuals who have not yet established a track record may not be deemed valuable. Nevertheless, the character is a more reliable measure of a person in job interviews, friendships, relationships, and all other aspects of life. Character is the best tool to achieve personal growth and advancement in life, possibly not immediately but certainly over the long term. The same principle applies when deciding whom to invite into your life.

Best of luck, 

Annie@calendarmind 😘

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