"You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning." -Unknown

Keep tracking

What you track determines Your Lens - Seth Godin
Keeping track of how many times we've been rejected, someone has broken your heart, double-crossed us, or let us down.
Why keep track of them? Are they making us better?
"Wouldn't it make more sense to keep track of other stuff? To keep track of all the times, it worked? All the times we took a risk? All the times we were able to brighten someone else's day? When we start doing that, we can redefine ourselves as people who can impact the world.
"If a narrative isn't working well, why are you using it? The narrative is something that you choose. Once we can dig deep and find a different narrative, then we ought to be able to change the game."
- Seth Godin from the Tools of Titans author Tim Ferris

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